Thursday, December 13, 2007

The Final Edition: 12.13.07

2.26 Sniffles. I feel quite empty inside, knowing there will be no more Troxel lectures coming in the future. Further, being a senior, never again, ever. Frowns.
2.27 This is not a time to get all wsihy-washy, we need to go out in style. Boldness is the name of the game. Today every one of Troxel's moves will be documented for the historical blogosphere record.
2.28 The sweater motiff continues with a cookies and cream sweater that may or may not be from a few weeks ago. I distinct feeling is that I should be in a ski lodge overtakes me.
2.29 Troxel looks out at the crowd holding his manuscript he must be so proud!
2.30 We're off with a nice little black circle transition. I bet Troxel is a terrific skiier.
2.31 Another transition used subtly but strong. BAM! Colors abound. Only a few places are black ink as Troxel points out, an array of blues, violets, reds, and greens captivate the audience.
2.32 Classic Troxel diction being used the words are pronounced with verve and power, my ears are dancing with pure glee! Also, hold onto your hats but if possible we will try to get some interviews in today with key players. OK, probably not but we can dream.
2.33 They should have a concession stand outside because Troxel is better than any movie. He should write a Biblical Scholarship Screenplay about a Hebrew Professor searching for the lost vowels of the ancient language.
2.36 Briefly distracted by reading about the Mitchell Report which by the way anyone mentioned in there should never go to the Hall of Fame, but back to Troxel who would never use performance enhancing drugs.
2.37 Reflecting on the semester: ahhh, exploding mountains, Tupac, Jerubaal, good times.
2.39 Wow, packed house! Unbelievable, this is ridiculous!
2.40 Just before lecture a source tells us about the following interaction. The unnamed student was walking and saw Professor T-man who asked "One more time, (insert protected name here)?" The student replied "Yes" then Troxel walked 50 feet down the hallway turned and yelled back, "In case Marc is wondering I went with white backgrounds with black and blue today." And he delivered, its a classic Troxel background.
2.43 Troxel pauses mid-sentence in the silence I swear my heart stopped beating.
2.45 Oh so many themes in Ezra-Nehemiah, but all I can think about is Troxel with a 3 three foot long hat on skiing. You know those hats, see photo.
2.51 Took a long time to get that picture, but it was worth it. Haven't missed much Troxel has been using the word Chronicler a lot.
2.53 Oh Vandenlangendndneberggger, the theme continues (see picture).
2.54 Troxel has been looking at the screen an awful lot, it kind of makes me feel alone and left out. We need eye contact professor! It sustains us.
2.55 We have quite a collection of texts on the screen right now, I'm just waiting for them the turn into Hebrew or get highlighted or something.
2.57 34% of Chronicles is about David. 34% Take that Solomon and your crappy 16%.
2.59 Snap! We've got graphs. Graphs in an L & S class, I can't handle this, my quantitative abilities were exhausted by Astro 103. If you were wondering the graphs charted references to David.
3.01 Some things are just too amazing not to share.
3.03 Troxel has lost his place. We count it out, 7.5 seconds. Still some pauses coming even after he began speaking again. We are back on track now, talked about deathbed exchanges. If I ever have a deathbed exchange it will NOT be about the law of Moses, because the Law of Moses has been replaced by the Holy Spirit. True story, look it up. (Galatians 4:4-7)
3.07 Trox asks "Is this clear?" Perhaps for the last time.
3.08 Someone looks pretty sleepy, whoa, another graph. Its titled "Hits per 1000 words."
3.09 Someone else is doing Christmas shopping right now and has his credit card out.
3.10 Troxel is talking about the books "obsession with David," similarly does this blog qualify as an obsession with Troxel? If so should I be worried? Should Troxel be worried?
3.11 The wizardry factor is quite high right now, animated passages a rolling out onto the screen, and the graph did sort of a black hole thing and disappeared.
3.13 Troxel stops mid-word and says "So close to a sneeze, but no quite" Oh, trox, you don't need to pretend. Its ok to cry because its the last lecture. Don't hide your emotions.
3.15 Dave Vandeeeeeeeeeeberg is reading something that starts off with the phrase "Filipinos are a warm, gentle, caring, giving people."
3.16 Chronicles keeps marching on, now onto retributive justice. Also, our battery here is running out, sad day, but we have a backup.
3.18 I will simply call this photo I just posted: Vandenlangenberg's Revenge. Un-freakin believable, an error on blogspot won't let me post the image, I will go by other means.
3.21 WOOOOOOO! Troxel just referenced high places!! As you all know this is a direct reference to his classic 10.14.07 lecture where high places were examined in depth! Wow, the wizard brings it all back around. The skills can't be denied.
3.30 Wow the longest break in blogging history. Sorry, 9 minutes. I had to make that picture work and change computers and such. But fun fact, check out the picture I put up and look who's in the background JON WYLIE!
3.31 Back to the trox: He has his arms crossed and is swaying a little bit from side to side, clearly he's upset about the lack of Persian and Greek terms in Chronicles. We don't always get what we want.
3.33 The whole lecture is coming together now, but I can't understand it because the emotional weight on my soul from knowing be are 12 minutes from the end.
3.35 YES! "Is this clear?" He knows what we want and every good performer gives the audience what they want. By the way Trox, we also all want A's.
3.36 There was a flipping, fly-in effect that brought up what else but-- THE FIRST SLIDE OF THE CLASS! We are wrapping up and my emotions are going to get the best of me.
3.37 I'm remembering learning the word Tetragrammaton, I'm remembering there for some reason being a picture of Bill Clinton on the screen, and I'm remembering when Troxel used the red emergency phone to prevent seizure. What a class. What a man. What a long, strange trip its been.
3.39 Thanks for coming along with us, thanks for joining us on the journey, its been something. You've laughed, you've cried, you've slept, you've abused the other people in your study groups, but most of all, you've grown.


johnnyt471 said...

Hello, Marc. You know me. The name is John Trendell. I'm also a huge fan of Troxel, as I've taken 2 of his classes. Can you believe I read several of your posts, not realizing it was you until this one? Unbelievable. I'm absolutely speechless at this. By coincidence, I found a hilarious blog that captures all the Troxelisms, then find out it was old neighborhood funnyman Marc Nettleton. I'm seriously in awe of this. Shoot me an email if you want to meet up sometime.

johnnyt471 said...

Oh, and my email is