Tuesday, October 16, 2007

10.16.07 Leture

2.26: We enter. Troxel is rocking a black polo shirt and khakis. Looks like a good audience.
2.28: Projector is on. Image of his son, who is currently a senior in high school, saving a kick (he is a goal keeper) at a recent soccer game. Pr. must be proud.
2.29: Powerpoint loads. It's on.
2.31: First slide enters with a "zoom in" effect. Troxel uses term "edumbrating" Introduces theories of Israel's occupation of the land.
2.34: We've got a map, people. Late Bronze Age.
2.35: Holy Crap. The map stays the same, but the icons shift and the title changes to "Iron Age." The man is a wizard.
2.36: He's going back and forth between the maps. NOw he's just showing off. We have our first table: A Bar graph of settlements. Wow: He's bringing his A-game. A 3-D TOPOGRAPHY MAP OF MANASSEH which is changing.
2.37: The map is still morphing as more Israelites enter the land. It's like watching a magician perform. What a master of his craft.
2.38: Back to original map. He's tying it all together. Conclusive evidence that the Israelites took the hill country.
2.40: Infiltration model summed up. Moving on to the peasant revolt model. Marxism reference!
2.41: He just called Marxists romantics. Disregards theory. Moves on to theory four: Gradual emergence.
2.43: Mispronounces "Jerubbaal". Twice. MAkes fun of himself. No laughs from the audience. Nails pronounciation of "Ishbaal" and "Meribbaal."
2.45: Map Two. Animation of Philisine being circled. Now we're talkin' 'bout the Sea Peoples, baby.
2.47: Ancient Philistinian image of the Sea Peoples. There's a sea monster! Trox points out the headdress. Powerpoint circles one of the headdresses in the image.
2.48: Now we are looking at some Bichrome Pottery. We are in the presence of a man who knows how to take full advantgae of powerpoint's capacities.
2.49: Animated map of Mediteranian trade routes. So many maps in so little time that I'm overwhelmed.
2.50: Judges passages begin to fly in over map of ANE.
2.51: "So Samson meets this woman and says... TROXEL GRABS IPOD, PUSHES BUTTON AND LINE "HEY THERE DELILAH" PLAYS. HE CONTINUES SPEAKING WITHOUT SO MUCH AS A PAUSE. SEEMLESS. PERFECT. INCREDIBLE. The audience is stunned. We sit, mouths open, wondering if we have actually experienced what he just unleashed on us. The grin on his face lets us know he realizes how good he is.
2.53: Entering second subject: 1 &2 Samuel. I've begun sweating.
2.54: Animated scroll graphics.
2.55: Nate Sweet dares to ask a question. Another girl follows suit. Trox answers both questions thourally, throws in a quip "...Well they didn't throw in a editors note..." and seemlessly transitions back to the slide.
2.56: "Other questions?" So sassy.
2.58: Windowed map over text. Animated arrows on map. Map changes. Animated circle.
3.00: We're breakin' down 1 Samuel 3 with multiple text colors.
3.01: Red. Grey. Black. Yellow. Green. Highligted. Text colors. Italics. It's like the fourth of July.
3.03: Try to take a picture with camera in computer. Looks at me as if he wonders why I'm pointing my laptiop at him. I quckly turn computer away. Image is blurry.
3.08: We're talkin' redactation
3.09: TA John Wylie's getting a bit tired. Leaning his head against the wall.
3.11: Trox leans over the podium, letting us know that he is relaxed and relateable. I am comforted.
3.12: Wylie covers a yawn. Ac ouple girls a few rows up appear to have fallen asleep.
3.15: Multicolored text table. He's really outdoing himself today,
3.21: Trox gets a little passionate while analysing 1 Sam 11.1-15. Really getting into it with the hand motions.
3.23: Mic pops a bit. Is it dying? False alarm.
3.24: Wylie's head jerks. Did he just wake up? We're still on the text table. It's nice. Color cordinated . Animated arrows. Windowed passages are constantly popping up in front of it (usually with "zoom in" or "zoom out" effects)
3.26: Many random colored squares on a otherwise white screen. As He describes narratives and how they here compiled, they change positionand group in the center, constructing a storyline.
3.27: Positive and negative signs appear in the squares, reflecting how they present Saul. A simple but effective graphic. The man knows what he's doing.
3.28: Stops class. Has us turn to each other to see if what he is discussing is clear.
3.29: We're back. It's Q&A time.
3.30 He's out from behind the podium. Big arm motions while answering questions. He's everywhere. Arms out. crossed arms. Pointing at the powerpoint. What a rhetor.
3.31: Female TA asks a question. He's coming to my side of the room. In front of the podium, leaning back on it. He looks like Sinatra.
3.32: Some crowd chatter during Q&A.
3.33: Back to leture. I make a wish: that this lecture would continue forever. "Ripple out" transition.
3.35: Calls Sam 19.18-24 "Bizare." Not so fast, Bible lovers. He explains why it isn't bizare in context.
3.37: A little dry humor, anyone?
3.39: Relating David's rise to Saul's rise.
3.43: Class is getting tired. Myself included. Fighting to focus.
3.44: Leaning on podium again. He's really throwing down while summing this up.
3.45 "...This Clear?...That's where we'll pick up the sotry on Tuesday [sic]"
Not a bad lecture. it did drag a little near the end, but as always, it was made up for by amazing visual effects and personality.


Dave said...

This is hilarious. Troxinator's Power Point's are one of a kind. I have yet to see anything else like it in any other Biblical Lit class...or any class.

Ian Brunner said...

We're sitting two rows behind you in Bib lit lecture and saw the blog you were at....it's pretty hysterical. Troxel truly is an exceptional human being.