Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Lecture 10.30.07

2.30 A bit of a late start here. Troxel has been setting up for a couple of minutes. Lights dim. Heart rate accelerates. He flies through the title slide so quickly that I can't keep up with the speed of my emotions
2.31 Jumping into Isaiah 6.1-13 Wow! look at that yellow slide. It looks like how i visualize the adjective "majesty"
2.34 The first red-bolded text of the day
2.35 Wow. we're still talking about this (Isaiah 6). From last lecture. The Trox must really be into stumps.
2.37 Troxelnater is really digging on these yellow backgrounds today. When he stands in front of the slide, there is a slight golden grow which seems to radiate from him, into my soul.
2.40 Asks the audience how to spell "Tupac" He's looking for the song "changes"
2.41 HE can't find the song. I yell "sing it!" He laughs. I just made him laughs.
2.42 I can't believe this. I have to concentrate to not wet myseld. He's talking about "P Diddy" and " Notorious Mister BIG" Also refers to :one of my sons" Who apparently has over 1000 songs in his iTunes library.
2.43 TA Steve brings an iPod up and saves the day. YAH STEVE! "Changes" begins to play. After a moment, Trox drops the volume and begins to talk over it. Nate begins to clap along with the music. Hearing Troxel's voice blend with 'pac's is like listening to The Beatles for the first time. "Tupac is an editor whether he knows it or not...He's a redactor..."
2.44 We're back to Isaiah. Incredible.
2.47 I'm still sweating. My vision is becoming less and less blurry, finally working of the intoxicating effects of Troxel's A-game.
2.49 Marc is clearly counting something on the screen. Probably the number of times a word is used. Out Marcy is thinking like a scholar. I blush with pride.
2.52 The time is flying by. We are into Micah. You don't here that name much anymore, do you? A quick Wikipedia search shows that the only prevelant extraBiblical Micah is the character Micah Sanders from Heroes. And he's a lame Hero, anyways. "Look at me, I touch machines and do things to them. I'm little." Lame. Doesn't even count as a Micah.
2.54 Micah was dark.
2.55 Recreating reaction while hearing Troxel say "Tupac" (see picture)
2.59 Busting out some Hebrew. Apparently Micah distances himself from "prophets out for profit" in a unique way.
3.03 Compositional History of Micah.
3.04 Beginning to hope he didn't peak too soon in this lecture. Tripping over a word here and there. He's talking about "hungering after figs", though. I think that sounds pretty funny.
3.08 I think Micah was like the Fonzie of prophets. He played by no one's rules but his own. I think he'd be my friend, though.
3.10 According to Trox, Micah was not a foretelling rebel. Just the normal social-political kind.
3.13 "Does this make sense? PLease say yes, or please say no, or... (switches to mock-angry voice) Say Something!" I laugh. Probably a bit too loudly.
3.15 Nahum. We're flying through at the speed of awesome.
3.16 Wow! Email for a free photographic print from the UW Athletic store! What a deal!
3.17 troxel calls Nahum 2.4, 6-7 "A CNN-like report"
3.18 Internet cutting in and out...
3.19 "Full of booty..." "Holocaust Literature"-Man, Nahum is crazy dark.
3.22 Dabbling into the book of Ninevah.
3.23 Troxel's example Acrostic poem: "Always...Before...Continually...etc" The man should be am actual poet.
3.25 LOLCats are awesome.
3.26 Book of Zephaniah. Wow. This is getting ridiculous.
3.28 Quick quip about "....the latest fashions from Paris."
3.29 Wikipedia confirms no prominent extraBiblical Zephaniahs.
3.30 Crowd participation! "...Now Janus is the namesake of one of the months of our calender? What is it?" I'm pretty sure that in his head, he asks that question and pumps his fist in the air while a resounding yell of "January!" echoes throughout the room.
3.34 Man, we are covering some dark freaking prophets today. Trox must be feeling sinister.
3.35 In my haste at the beginning of lecture, I never even described Trox today. He's wearing a pumpkin colored plaid shirt with khakis. He looks well rested and content.
3.39 The words on the screen that are highlighted are "darkness", "gloom", and "destruction." I'm not kidding about this dark theme today. Do you think he tried to coordinate this lecture with Halloween?
3.41 Some are beginning to pack their things up.
3.42 Wrapping up a bit early to avoid my computer dying, what a lecture. In what shall forever be known as "The Tupac Incident" Dr. Ronald Troxel has forever shaped the course of Biblical scholarship and rap music.


etteloc said...

I am sitting here, reading this, absolutely mesmerized and in awe.

This is the greatest treasure the Internet has to offer. Way to rock the T-Rox love.

kyky said...

Hey it's me, the extremely angry looking girl behind you in the pic. I saw you blogging that day and looked for your blog but didn't find it til now. Congratulations on your immortalization today in lecture.
