Thursday, October 25, 2007

10.25.07 Lecture

2.27 A late start today as Troxel has just entered the room. Questions abound: His khaki collared shirt and white undershirt is a classic, but are the olive pants a little too bold? Is his hair parted to the other side? Finally, is his beard a little darker than in the past? We'll investigate these issues as the day goes on.
2.28 Things are fully normal, the late start seems to have not effected his ability, he now is a machine of effieciency. He turns the laptop on, he moves the sliding chalkboards into their position, in doing so I am convinced his biceps are not those of a regular man, he is some sort of Hercules. Interesting: Troxel's desktop background is back to his son, it was different on Tuesday.
2.31 WE HAVE NOT STARTED LECTURE YET! WE ARE BEHIND SCHEDULE! Take note that he seems to be a little rushed as he knows that the clock is ticking.
2.32 Troxel's podium is in its regular place, no need to drag it into place today.
2.33 The TAs are handing out a flier advertising for a FREE PUBLIC LECTURE (by a personal friend of Troxel). See picture. We learn that the other TA's name is Steve. We were not aware of his name good to know.
2.34 We are rolling now and examining the book of Hosea. The only prophet from the North.
2.38 My, and everyone's, fascination with Troxel's personal life continues. What does he do in his spare time? Golf? Raquetball? Hip hop dance?
2.40 The word whoredom is being thrown around like candy at a parade. Its symbolic. Troxel assures us that its usage makes sense and its not a mere tale of "poor Hosea's troubled family life." A chart showing the structure of the book of Hosea helps explain.
2.42 Lets gather some statistics.
2.44 Troxel made 31 hand motions in the 60 seconds from 2.43-2.44. ALL OF THEM with his right hand. Most quite small but some of them were big, sweeping, inspiring movements. Occasionally, he would even be motioning with the hand while looking at the screen or his notes. He beckons us to come in and pay attention to his every move, he invites us in to a stunning and captivating history of a people and a nation.
2.45 Troxel just said booty.
2.46 Troxel tells a joke, that apparently only I thought was funny. Suggests the names of Hosea's children do not stem from a "list of baby names popular in the 8th century." Very clever.
2.48 The screen shows us text overlayed with two boxes that each have shadows behind them, however all the text and boxes are in one color. Its an unfortunately boring image fails to inspire any sort of emotion in the audience.
2.49 Just noting that Troxel has done an excellent job with some very difficult looking Hebrew words, but perhaps he just makes it up as he goes and hopes no one calls him out on it. How could I say that!? Troxel's integrity surpasses that of even the proud sea lions. Comment withdrawn.
2.50 Some blue lines (not a color he often uses) and arrows, these things help me feel at home.
2.52 Were talking bout "raisin cakes" These are not snack food, but rather a part of fertility religion, its about offering raisin cakes to Baal rather than honoring the Lord. This makes me wonder about other type of cake, apricot, prune, date, dried food has a strange texture.
2.54 One of my favorite Troxelisms: "He could be accused of throwing the baby out with the bathwater."
2.55 I search the room for Dave Vandenfendenberg. Is he even here?
2.56 The crowd seems very aware its late in the day on a Thursday. Not seeing much by way of attentive students, some are sleeping, a fair number of seats remain empty. In all seriousness, this is actually kind of an interesting topic and an interesting book.
2.57 Troxel refers to the temple being turned into the "red light district" and talks about the "provacative" language.
2.59 Troxel tells us that Hosea is like a "shock jock" using provacative language to get us to think. From my understanding of "shock jocks" I dont think their goal is to get us to think. I feel I could make a pretty strong case its exactly the opposite. However, maybe I just don't get the deep satire found within making fun of midget eskimo strippers.
3.02 Troxel asks "Is this clear?" Right on time. Everyone in the room knew it was coming, but then he follows it up by probing again "Is it?" Were not sure what to think, he's going off script, finally another surprise as he states: "Usually when you talk about sex and religion people pay attention." Now who's using provacative languange?
3.03 Troxel describes driving as "motoring about".
3.04 Troxel just accused his son of carousing. Obviously not the soccer player, he can do no wrong and if you want to challenge me on that I'll just point to his 27 saves . . . IN ONE GAME!
3.06 We now turn to the book of Isaiah, but don't worry just the first 39 chapters. A yellow tinted preview slide puts us into eager anticipation to find out what treasures lie within. I just hope we won't be to tempted to jump ahead.
3.10 An examination of our file photo of Dr. troxel refutes our earlier claim about hair parting. As we can best know he's always been parting to the right. However, the picture shows no full beard, so its accuracy is in doubt.
3.14 Challenge from the audience, a question is asked. Troxel says thats exactly what he's about to explain. Lets press forward. Mike is now writing on a piece of paper on my leg.
3.16 A giant scroll unrolls on the screen and Troxel is also on a roll (pun intended). I see seven arrows and two sets of brackets. The only thing missing is color, come on Professor make my day! Do it!
3.17 Chance of color is getting bleak . . .
3.18 Still no color, actually there's less color he made a light yellow fade to a biege. Heartbreak.
3.23 Troxel just got a little political on us, making a Colin Powell in front of the United Nations reference. New topic, what does Colin Powell do for fun? I bet its even more fascinating than what Troxel does.
3.27 I've been pulled away from Colin Powell's Wikipedia page to check out an image on the screen. It shows two creatures holding up another creature who Troxel calls a "sky god".
3.29 Troxel has a minor slip up saying Jerimiah instead of Isaiah, and doesn't even notice his mistake.
3.30 I was doing a pretty good job of paying attention until that Colin Powell comment, the man is fascinating.
3.35 SHoT
3.38 Crisis: Troxel pages through four slides quickly and asks aloud: "What am I doing here? Oh, hit the wrong thing." Were back on track now, of course.
3.40 We are back to the slides that have tinted yellow in the corners. It seems about 1/3 of them are of this style whie the rest are just regular backgrounds. How does he decide which ones get tinted?
3.44 Almost done. Mike has drawn a picture of someone in a bear suit or something like it on his notes. The title of the photo reads "If Troxel was an evil teddy bear" Its brilliant. Thoughts of a Halloween theme dance in my mind.
3.45 We had been told there would be only 3 themes of Isaiah now we are being shown a fourth. Troxel tells us "you all get a bonus one . . . no extra charge" I feel honored, cared for, and informed.
3.46 Uh oh, class still going. The man is out of control. He's on a mission. He will get through this material.
3.47 Its over. What a ride. You ever rode the roller coaster at Camp Snoopy, because this is pretty much the opposite of that. Camp Snoopy roller coaster sucks. Troxel is thrilling. Camp Snoopy makes me want to gouge out my own eyes, Troxel makes me want to stare deeply, forevermore.

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