Wednesday, November 7, 2007

11.1.07 The Belated Edition

2.25 Troxel enters the room and today is dressed in a shirt, that upon much debate, will be described as lilac in tone. It has a calming effect on me. I could probably look into it for hours and feel my self and soul sink into the depths of bliss.
2.27 In other news, the in-action goalie shot of his son remains as his desktop background, still pretty sweet. He opened a program that isn’t Powerpoint! We wonder what in the world it may be, does T-rox have something up his sleeve?
2.31 Sorry for the late update. We are off and running. Already seeing nice usage of keyhole, blinds, and upward sliding transitions. Obviously this is a lecture that Troxel has perfected over time.
2.32 Habakkuk is the topic for today. A new exam is drawing near (which Troxel erroneously referred to as the “first exam”) and today we will have limited blogging as the battery is running out. 37 minutes and counting (frowny face).
2.33 Josiah, Johoham, Jehoiakim are working for Johovah in Judah. Alliteration! How can Troxel not be grinning with joy. I’m sure on the inside he is.
2.34 Back to Troxel’s shirt. As usual the top button is undone (does he ever where a tie?), long sleeved, a nice fit.
2.36 Because we care about you our devoted reader, we have taken every action possible to save battery power. Dimmed the screen, turned off internet etc, and I’m pleased to tell you that we still have 34 minutes of battery remaining . . . slightly ahead of schedule.
2.38 Though the animations have been a little flashy, the texts and backgrounds fail to visually captivate me.
2.39 Big stumble. Troxel calls it “The Book of Ezekiel” rather than Habakkuk. Part of me, not believing he can verbally falter, wants to believe his every misstep is carefully calculated so that we, mere mortals, can identify with him, increasing his credibility.
2.42 Really reaching out to the modern audience today. Calling a summary “like a Cliff notes”, calling a Biblical reference “like a billboard”. He brings the words to life, I could almost walk out and dance with them.
2.43 We have two verses on the screen with a small gap in the middle of them! What will he fill it in with? What color will the text be? My guess it will be three words and red text.
2.44 The wicked will get their comeuppance.
2.45 I nailed the color. Red text pops in a fills the gap. But its better than I ever could have imagined. A true master of his craft, he moves a punctuation mark and takes seven letters onto an already existing word, turning faith into “faithfulness”. Further, [in brackets] Troxel adds the Hebrew text as well. Well done sir, well done. Much respect, I applaud in my heart.
2.46 Why do we never write in the form of a lament anymore. Declaration: I will record the next five minutes of this blog in the form of a lament.
2.47 Alas, scholars of the Academy of the hill of Bascom, rouse yourselves, awake understand the words of the great lilac encaped man. Be aware of his knowledge, do not forsake his Powerpoint presentation.
2.49 How long, how long can this go on? Rise up, rise up, for in the past your days were filled with John Collins and even McKenzie, but today you turn away from knowledge and trust instead your own eyes.
2.50 Alas, great teacher, he who can bestow knowledge, I cry out to you, Teacher please enlighten your subjects. Show us the way of Tupac and the Notorious Mr. B.I.G. Inspire!
2.51 OK, that’s enough of that, I now know why no one writes in the form of laments: because they suck.
2.52 Trox just said comeuppance again. Spectacular.
2.53 A great opportunity to pull out the Ipod right here as Troxel speaks of Psalms (songs?) of questionable authorship. The moment has passed, I think we will not be hearing anything from his library. Our collective heart breaks.
2.54 Comeuppance count number 3. Whoa! Whoa! “Any questions on the book of Nahum? [sic]” Silly Troxel laughs at himself as a student points out that we are in Habakkuk. Now Ron, there’s a line between making our self-esteem rise and abusing it. Keep it in line. Can I call you Ron? Lets say no.
2.56 Pressing on into Jeremiah. My money says Troxel will avoid the temptation to make a Three Dog Night reference.
2.58 Troxel says people walked around town and say Jeremiah only the respond “Here comes old magor missabib again.” All of us who are fluent in ancient Hebrew colloquialisms share a hearty laugh.
2.59 Troxel breaks out the word “whacko”, also “rabble-rouser”, which is one of the most underused words in modern America.
3.01 Added to descriptions of Jeremiah are “social misfit” and “borderline traitor” Hmmm, a treasonous rabble-rousing whacko social misft sounds like an anti-Troxel.
3.03 16 minutes of battery remains. But it has been bouncing around a lot.
3.06 Quote: “So Jeremiah cuts quite a pathetic figure.” Ouch, that’s a rough label. Whoa, battery now claims to be at only 7 minutes. Tears begin to well up.
3.08 The word Septuagint is delightful. New words to add to daily use: comeuppance, rabble-rouser, Septuagint. You can even use them all in one sentence. i.e. “According to the Septuagint, all those rabble-rousers in Moab will get their comeuppance.” Or “Troxel told us all about the Septuagint, but some rabble-rouser wasn’t paying attention so he get his comeuppance in the form of Troxel’s fist to his face.”
3.`11 nearing the end here bettery life ending ahhh

At that point the computer shut off and I was forced to take regular notes.

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