Thursday, November 29, 2007

11.29.07 Lecture

2.27 Troxel enters, I was able to grab a picture of him. It was pretty sweet.
2.28 Moving around the blackboards in order to reveal the white screen behind them, we're getting prepped.
2.29 My cohort's pen is low on ink, he may not take successful notes, or he might be distracted by drawing cartoons.
2.30 Not started yet, lets go Trox! Lights dim, here it goes! A picture of Brett Favre appears on the screen and with spinning text effect of "Beat Dallas" popping up all over the screen. Troxel looks at the screen, scratches quizzically behind his ear and remarks "I don't know how that got there." In this clever move he successfully broke the heart of and tore down the confidence of any Cowboys fans. Now, he'll win them back with an academic discussion of wisdom literature.
2.32 Today we have a sweater that I really wish I would have checked out the color of before the lights dimmed. Its darkish. Looks pretty warm, I'd even go as far as to say "toasty." Between the collared shirt, the sweater, and a cool beard Troxel is probably ready for just about anything winter will throw at him.
2.33 Don't want to dwell on the outfit, but it seems certain that Troxel's button-up shirt exists to compliment his slide backgrounds, the match is spot-on.
2.34 Wisdom literature is not there to help you download pirated music. Just buy "Now 26" and all the top hits are there for you, kids.
2.35 After spending two of the last three hours of my life discussing Mormonism, I can't help but wonder if Troxel will throw in a reference to Lamanites or Nephimites. Probably not.
2.37 Really solid crowd, especially for a Thursday lecture, they look fairly attentive. Not one of the three laptop screen I can view from my location is on Facebook. Well done.
2.40 We've been tipped off that Jon Wylie might be watching the game tonight. If he in fact watches it at the location we've been told he will literally be only ten (10!) feet from my apartment.
2.42 Not only does a twisty-curvy fly-in effect reveal Job 39:1-3, but this section of Job 39 also happens to be my favorite passage of all time to pull out of context and quote at inappropriate times. The key is that it be out of context.
2.43 The two set-aside windows on the screen are each a nice pastel, one a lavender, the other a blueish-violet. They are nicely accented by the yellow background. This is more beautiful than any bouquet or arrangement of flowers ever created.
2.45 Slight mix-up by Trox as the Powerpoint was slow to react. For a moment, he and Powerpoint were out a sink and the world began to spin off its axis, and the planets went out of orbit, but now we're back.
2.47 Oh no, update on the laptops in front of me. One guy is downloading TV shows it appears and someone else is checking the weather, but honestly that might have been some sort of volcanic forecast, or it looked like it to me.
2.50 Two rows in front of me someone is wearing a Cowboy's hat. OK, so I'm partisan towards the Vikings (aka the Minnesota Adrian Petersons) but even I know that being a Cowboy's fan is just unacceptable. Where's the geographic tie, if this guys not from Texas, he better have a very good explanation. I promised that Troxel would win all the Cowboy's fans over, I'll keep you updated.
2.52 Troxel is throwing about the word "shrift" which apparently is German. Someone near me asks, "Where does he come up with this stuff?" I know where, it comes from the fact that German is just one of 11 languages the Trox has mastered.
2.53 We have yellow highlights, two Hebrew words with an equals sign in between them, and maroon text.
2.54 Troxel refers to a text about men swinging from ropes in buckets. All that I can think about is that this must be some sort of game found on Legends of the Hidden Temple. I love that show.
2.57 Oh dear, one of the people I'm keeping track of in front of me is back on his crazy volcano website, while someone else is one AIM, with three windows up.
2.59 Searching Wikipedia in an attempt to find out if Legends of the Hidden Temple ever did any sort of Hebrew Bible themed episodes has revealed that someone has mapped out all of the various temple layouts used during the show's run. Check it out:
3.01 Imagine the possibilities of a Ancient Near East episode of Legends (David's slingshot, Hezekiah's book of the law, Abram's foreskin)
3.04 Not sure if I just crossed a line.
3.05 Troxel just described the book of Proverbs as having an "international flavor," as a ethnocentric American when I hear international flavor I assume that means spicy. Proverbs 22:17-23:14 is clearly spicy.
3.06 Troxel . . . just . . . I'm not sure what to do. Um. Wow, he thought the Powerpoint was at the wrong point, so he used the reverse feature to go back 5 slides/animations then he realizes he was at the wrong place on his manuscript and returns back to his original location. Good recovery.
3.08 Troxel refers to his collegeue Michael Fox, if you're wondering, no not Michael J. Fox. No.
3.10 Troxel introduces the next section by saying "I'd like here to compare this to the comedy of Jerry Seinfeld." Troxel is like Seinfeld in many ways friendly demeanor, groundbreaking comedy, cool beard.
3.12 We will be paralleling modern proverbs to ancient Proverbs.
3.13 Troxel suggests he has somehow learned the lesson that talking too much can get you in trouble. I doubt, in fact one of my greatest wishes is that Troxel would next stop speaking, maybe I can borrow audio recordings from someone who tapes lecture just so I can hear him at home. Like background music.
3.15 Breakthrough! Legends did an episode entitle The Golden Cup of Belshazzar! Who was Belshazzar? A Prince of Babylon!!! That's Ancient Near East Baby! Ill trow a picture up of the great Prince, note the Hebrew text.
3.18 This is an impressive background slide, we have here. two bracketed yellow highlight sets of texts, with a red arrow connecting them.
3.19 Freud would love the first few chapters of Proverbs according to Troxel.
3.20 Unlike the lectures of our dear Professor, sometimes Proverbs is not clear.
3.24 The Cowboy's fan two rows up is very attentive, you know why? Because Troxel won him back over, as predicted.
3.25 If you've ever wondered what Troxel might look like riding a unicorn. I know a guy who draws pictures of that type of thing. Just ask to see them.
3.26 Wowee!! This might be one of the best slides Trox has ever crafted. There are at least 11 white set-aside boxes, circled words, red words, Hebrew words, quotes . . . . its just goes on and on.
3.27 Trox again references Michael Fox, who is still not Michael J. Fox. Also, this Michael Fox does not like to be disturbed. Don't do it. You'll get a death glare.
3.29 OH! We have a hand in the air! A Question!! Trox doesn't see it! Oh man, I thought we were going to see some off the cuff reaction.
3.33 For the first time I've seen today Troxel is using significant hand gestures.
3.34 Troxel just mentioned the beloved Wylie, stating the line "Then a woman comes toward him, decked out like a prostitute, wily of heart-Not like your TA" Comedy is defined in that work right there Trox. You define comedy. I'm thrilled, I wish lecture would never end.
3.36 The volcanoes guy is now on a message board, probably a message board about volcanoes, which from my two one-credit online geology classes I've taken I do know to be pretty interesting. P.S. Go check out the Geology building sometime, they have dinosaurs there (but they are made of plaster).
3.40 Dwelt, not dwelled.
3.42 Its been a compelling day of wisdom literature, Hebrew words, and Kirk Fogg, I'm fighting the temptation to wrap up early, come on Trox, make the last three minutes count!
3.43 I ask and he delivers! Trox leans forward adds emphasis to his words puts out a flat hand and makes a chopping motion three times towards the podium to drive this last point home.
3.44 He leaves us begging for more stating "But remember Proverb literature is not the only kind of wisdom literature" Oh yes.
See you Tuesday.

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