Thursday, November 15, 2007

11.15.07 Lecture

2.26 I arrive and have noted that the Troxasaurus is certainly aware of his audience as his desktop background has changed once again, he informs the audience that the background is a picture of his 15 year old son performing a solo in Grease. Yes, the Troxel family has a wide variety of talents, can the Professor sing?
2.29 Reports have come through that Troxel just pulled a pen from within his shirt collar. He defies the laws of physics, I'm gonna go out on a limb here and say that Troxel just created that pen by fiat.
2.30 Leture begins and Troxel has already referenced the blog saying "I'm not sure if everyone is just assuming they'll get their class notes off the blof or if its just the cold weather." And now that I notice looking around the room there is a significantly smaller crowd than usual. This disappoints and saddens me as I am wquite confident we are in for a treat.
2.32 Troxel is clearly in his highest academic mode as he prepares for the Society of Biblical Literature conference next week. He is dressed in a deep red sweater with a collared shirt underneath. Some have witnessed his appearance before the class began as "pensive", I think he was actually just getting "in the zone" because he's got some Bibilical analysis smackdown that he's prepping to lay out. (See picture and decide for yourself)
2.34 In other news, Troxel was given a shout out in my last discussion as Professor Cohen stated African American exhorters in the early 19th century did not have "Ron Troxel to lay out biblical scholarship"
2.35 Further, an undisclosed source that has spoken with the Trox tells us that he described the blog to him/her as "witty", "very quick", and creative.
2.36 The wizard himself just used the phrase "hunky-dory." And I'm sure he knew I would comment on that. Its a great word.
2.37 An examination of Troxel's look reveals a distinct "Christmas-y" feel. If only we could adorn him with ornaments and lights and put a star on his head. That would be the best outfit ever. That's a little creepy.
2.40 I am somewhat confused about how to proceed from here. The blogger is experiencing some internal angst. Troxel's awareness of this site was at first a source of great joy, but now the pressure is on. To continue our U2 metaphor I feel that we have successfully signed with our major label, but I'm not sure if we have a Joshua Tree in us, I think the best I have to offer might be a Zooropa or Pop, and we all know that's okay, but not great. We'll see what the future holds.
2.42 Malachi is the subject of today's lecture by the way for those of you who stayed home and are relying on this for notes. How about this we might have a tie to Hosea with a discussion of the Israelites infidelity, but no troxel doesn't go there, he decides to take the high road and stick with arguments that actually make sense.
2.44 We have a pretty standard set-up, passages on the screen, red text to set aside the words of note, we've seen a few transitions, but nothing too flashy. Its a subtle tone, its a calming tone. Troxel's voice is like a warm ocean breeze, its sound washed over us allowing us to feel peace and calm of mind.
2.46 Wake up, beach goers! Something radical is going to occur according to Troxel. my theory an attack by the Assyrians, it seems to be a recurring theme.
2.47 Now moving onto the book of Joel, which transition at is with a fly-in effect. This is fitting as the book is "rather dramatic".
2.48 I'm disappointed to learn we are given no significant biographical information about Joel, so lets make some up for him. Joel was born into a chaotic environment where he never knew who his realy parents were. Soon after birth, he was captured by an invasion of locust who carried him off to a far away land and there he was raised by a warthog and meercat. The two raised him and changed his view of the world towards a hedonistic view of life based on gluttony and sloth. However, Joel overcame and became a champion prizefighter. He won some fights. Later he took on the first name "Billy" and warned americans of the risk of having a "heart attack -ack -ack -ack -ack" while defending himself against the claim of "starting the fire".
2.54 We are asked if this is clear. i think nothing could be more clear, espeicially now that there are a couple dozen Hebrew characters of the screen.
2.55 A Wkipedia search for prominent extra-biblical Joels is shockingly disappointing. The best I can do for you is Joel Pryzbilla, who proved that simply for being 7 foot 2 you deserve $50 million even if he have no offensive ability, and Joel Osteen, who is simply one of the creepiest men on the face of the earth.
3.00 For all you Religious Studies majors out there, I have a special announcement that is being made here, for the first time. That's right this is the world premiere of this announcement. Sometime next semester we will be having a part for Religious Studies Majors and Troxel is going to be there. One suggested plan is that we'll all prepare PowerPoint presentations that Troxel will then judge and deem one the winner. Get excited. More details to follow. We need to get Tom DuBois to come to the party, wow, I'm now imagining blogging his class, for any of you who have taken a class with him you know what I'm talking about, it would be absolutely fantastic.
3.02 I don't understand Troxel's line of reasoning. He states that the saying "the White House said . . . " does not mean the building literally spoke, he is crushing all my visions and dreams about the functioning of our federal government.
3.04 Troxel is challenging the general arguments about Joel's message, he feels that some of these arguments are "tenuous". You show em!
3.05 I apoligize for barely referencing Trox today. I'll be more careful from now on. Here we go. Troxel is drawing a parellel to music . . . oh he referenced pitches and keys rather than his favorite Top 40 hits.
3.07 Something is developing nearby, it appears to be a comic starring Ron Troxel. I'll tell you more as soon as i know.
3.08 We are moving at light speed, done with Joel and onto Jonah, which has three features. Five bucks says the next exam has a possible question reading "What are three unique features of the book of Jonah?"
3.09 OK, the comic has cicled around its entitled "Wiley and the Trox". Its about biblical scholarship and facial hair. Its kind of clever, maybe we'll post it. I'm not quite sure of it origins, but I have a guess based on the handwriting.
3.11 Speaking of Wiley. He always sits in the back now. I have a theory that he does so purely so we cannot blog about his every movement. By the way, this was probably a good move on his part because we would be watching and it would get real creepy.
3.13 We just finished the three distinct features of Jonah, I hope you took notes.
3.14 Troxel says the sentence "Things happen is a certain chronological order", but I can't give it justice with blog, the intonation and the inflection he put on each syllabal is fantastic. I'll attempt to describe it, but just know any description falls short. As the words came from his mouth I could have sworn an angel was speaking, the beuaty of the words fluttered out of his mouth and dove into our ears their true and beloved home. When I heard the words I felt a feeling of fulfillment and pure joy. An effervescent of overflow of contentedness. That's how good that sentence was.
3.16 Troxel misspeaks when saying "covered himself in sackcloth" and says "covered himself with Axe", this makes me think of my friend Dave's roommate who would "Axe up" before going out and make his presence known from about 40 feet away.
3.17 Troxel just said "megalapolis." Being one to never doubt the veracity of a word of Troxel, i presume a megalopolis is kinda like a megapolis but awesomer.
3.19 I sudden feeling of overwhelming worry covers me as I realize that while the other blogger, who should be taking notes, is doing anything put.
3.20 Troxel has been a big fan of the 30 degree angled stamp effect lately, in this case he has "stamped" the words "Persian Practice" upon the passage. The authority of this "stamping" motion is fantastic.
3.23 We are trying to classify the genre of Jonah (which is fairly anti-climactic as we read an article about this exact subject the 2nd week of class) and Troxel refers to allegory and the parable's "kissing cousin". Also, he just came through with my Hosea reference, only about 40 minutes late.
3.25 Prediction: Troxel throws something into the crowd before the end of lecture. Lets see.
3.28 Troxel says he'd like to compare Jonah to Archie Bunker! And even better he made a fantastic joke that I laughed really loud at, he stated, "Archie Bunker was on a show that was popular when I was in college, just before the Civil War." Hilarious.
3.29 Point being is that this story is one filled with irony. Jonah you're so fickle!
3.34 Troxel breaks out on of my favorite phrases of all time "comeuppance" Are you serious!? I think he's ending lecture right now! NO PROFESSOR!!! NO PROFESSOR. BUT BUT BUT we have 11 more minutes!!! How could you you do this! And now we have to go for almost two weeks without you . . .tears fill the eyes. I will overcome
3.35 Now I must establish the last point, he wished us a Happy Thanksgiving by having an animated turkey hop out on a slide with the words "Happy Thanksgiving." Pretty spectacular.
3.37 One last point, by way of correction we had previously stated that the blog does not show up when searched on Google. it now does, so big news. In fact its the number 1 result.

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